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Organic Clothes: The Best Choice for Your Baby's Delicate Skin

· Fashion

While everyone melts over a lovely baby romper or a super cute bodysuit, there's more to dressing a newborn than finding the perfect OOTD for your little one. After all, your baby's skin is significantly more delicate and sensitive than adult skin, making it critical to dress them in the safest, softest clothing. That’s where organic cotton comes in. Learn why organic newborn onesies, swaddles, and bedding are the best options!

Should Babies Wear Organic Clothes?

organic newborn onesie

The short answer is yes, they should. The longer one answers why, which, as parents, we’re eager to ask. To address the topic, we must first understand how delicate the baby's skin is and the nature of non-organic materials.

Babies absorb chemicals more quickly than adults because they have a larger skin surface area to body volume ratio. In addition, their skin is 30% thinner than that of adults. As a result, hazardous compounds can create sensitivity in babies and newborns. Because their bodies and brains are still developing, infants are less competent than adults in naturally breaking down or removing chemicals received into the body. Their fragile development is vulnerable to interruption.

Baby clothing frequently contains dangerous additives and synthetic chemicals that are routinely added to commercially made, non-organic textiles, rendering babies especially vulnerable to absorbing these poisons. Cotton is known as the "dirtiest crop in the world" because it uses around 16% of the world's insecticides and 7% of its pesticides. On the other hand, polyester and other synthetic fibres are manufactured from petroleum and exposed to thousands of potentially hazardous substances during the manufacturing process.

If this seems serious, it's because it is. Fortunately, there is a simple approach to prevent these issues and choose the best for your baby, particularly during the newborn stage. Although common wisdom suggests avoiding synthetic textiles for children under two, selecting organic newborn clothes, such as a soft and comfortable organic newborn onesie, is your best option for preventing and avoiding skin allergies and other health issues.

Are Organic Baby Clothes Worth It?

Choosing organic cotton newborn apparel certified to organic standards throughout manufacturing is currently the best and safest option for your child. Organic cotton is farmed sustainably and organically, without pesticides, herbicides, or other potentially harmful compounds. Choosing organic reduces your baby's exposure to potentially hazardous substances in non-organic clothing.

When shopping for organic baby clothes online, you'll notice adorable pieces in neutral and pastel colours, ranging from essential overalls to sweatshirts, beanie hats, and headbands. Here are some items that will come in handy during the newborn stage.


organic newborn onesie

Because your newborn will spend most of the first several weeks and months napping and nursing, it’s reasonable to invest in functional clothing pieces. Onesies are the best infant daytime attire for messy situations, including spit-ups and diaper overflow. Many parents consider onesies to be the ultimate pyjamas for their child, carefully designed to fit the needs of a tiny human. However, a newborn organic onesie is one of the ideal pieces of infant daily attire. Here’s why.

After nine months in the mother's womb, naked and surrounded by amniotic fluid, newborns need time to adjust to wearing clothing, which might be the primary cause of babies crying and feeling uncomfortable when they wear clothes. As a result, your baby may simply need a basic onesie made of soft, breathable fabric, such as organic cotton. Organic onesies provide adequate coverage to protect your baby's back and tummy from exposure.

The type of closure is a crucial consideration when selecting organic newborn onesies. The two most common types of fasteners are snaps and zippers. Despite being simple to tighten and unfasten, snapped buttons might be time-consuming when changing diapers regularly. On the other hand, a two-way zip for simple diaper changes is more practical, especially at night.


Practical newborn rompers, or bodysuits, are another one-piece costume that provides everything a busy baby requires. These stay in place, reducing exposure and keeping your baby's back and tummy warm.

Most newborn bodysuits have snaps at the bottom of the garment for easy diaper changes. Furthermore, some styles have expandable necklines that make them easy to put on and take off over your child's head. After a diaper blowout, you can drag these down your baby's shoulders to keep the mess away from their face.

A short-sleeved organic cotton grow suit is another option, which is especially handy during the newborn stage. These styles do not need pulling them over your baby's head, which many babies dislike. They instead have a henley neckline for easy dressing across the front.

Hoodies and Pants

Organic cotton pants can be a helpful addition to your baby's wardrobe and provide extra warmth on cold days. Some pants include built-in feet, eliminating the need for socks or booties. Regular pants or leggings are also available if you still want to put socks on your baby.

Combining the pants with a one-of-a-kind baby hoodie is excellent for making a unique outfit while keeping the newborn warm and cosy. You can be confident that your baby will feel comfortable in an organic cotton hoodie because the soft material is kind on their skin.